Online Mystery Shopping

Online Mystery Shopping prevents maldevelopment in online shops

The customer demands during online shopping differ significantly in comparison to shopping at the stationary retail stores. So retailers know a lot about "How do I increase my customers’ satisfaction and customer loyalty at the stores." How can I reach a high performance index and win shopping-motivated and satisfied customers for my online shop? Online Mystery Shopping, conducting secret test purchases, shows strengths and weaknesses of your online shop, provides customer feedback for strategic optimisation and reveals, which demands of the online shopper need to be fulfilled nowadays.

How are the products presented in the online shop, does the store appearance motivates to shop? Is it possible to find the desired products including the required product information quickly? Are the delivery times as agreed on and is the contents undamaged and complete? Online Mystery Shopping checks from the viewpoint of the customer the look & feel as well as the complete ordering processes. Online Mystery Shopping ensures the required usability and defined quality demands.
We help to make your e-business successful and efficient

IWD measures and analyses for your and your competitor’s online shop:

  • Customer service
    (channels, response time and success rates, customer feedbacks, newsletter)
  • User-Friendliness
    (surfing experiences, shopping experience, selection of products, story telling, loading time, App vs. desktop usage, chat bots)
  • Logistics
    (sellers, delivery times, quality of the delivery and the products, handling of returns)
  • Payment
    (payment options, usability payment handling)
  • Loyalty programs
    (offers, personalising, fulfilment of customer promises)
Valid audits along the online customer journey

IWD online mystery shopping offers you:

  • Customised designs for your specific requirements
  • Systematic realisation of all test shoppings and website checks in 26 countries
  • Test shoppings in your own shops as well as hidden at your competitors
  • Professional selection and standardised training of the test shoppers
  • Online process and result monitoring of the project for our customers
  • Complaint and feedback tool for fast reaction ratest
  • Data analysis with action relevance and measure catalogue
  • Consultation and support during the optimising stage
Mystery Shopping
Pathways Analysis