Mystery Shopping

Detect weak spots and increase the performance of your stores through mystery shopping and undercover test purchases

Mystery shopping, meaning test purchases, consulting sessions and observations, is a very efficient tool to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of your stores and answer the question, how good your store systematics are implemented, very quickly. As a chain store company it is your goal to implement the developed systematics regarding consulting standards, prices and discounts, marketing, product presentation and services in all stores as well as internationally in the same way.
Mystery Shopper

Mystery Shopping enables you to check your policies from the viewpoint of your customers in an independent and objective way, determines strengths and weaknesses with respect to the implementation and hence offers you a quality management instrument. How is the service and consulting performance of your employees? What about consulting and selling qualities, or more important the actual selling motivation of your customer consultants?
Undercover agents

IWD Mystery Shopping offers you:

IWD investigates and analyses for your stores:

Test buyers & mystery shopper:

NPS analysis
Online Mystery Shopping